Rent to Own

Lets get you Started!!

What is Rent to Own?

Rent-to-own is an agreement in which you rent a home for an agreed period, with the option to buy before/when the lease expires.

Who We Serve

Self Employed

Self-employed with less than 2 years of work experience : do you have less than 2 years of work experience and have insufficient income statement?

Low Down-Payments

Did the bank refuse you a mortgage because you don't have the required 5% down payment?

Low Credit Score

Due to life circumstances beyond your control or bad choices your credit score took a bad hit


Are you currently in default of your current mortgage payments and need a way out of the situation?

New Immigrants

Are you new to the current and have no established credit or work history?

Recently Divorced

Have you been through a divorce or are currently going through a divorce and need to get into home ownership right away?

Benefits of Rent to Own


Financially Friendly Program.

The program allows you to move into a home of your choice with the intention to purchase it in the future, while only paying a portion of the down payment up front. You are then given the opportunity to accumulate the balance of your down payment over the duration of the program.


Fixed Rent.

Say goodbye to fluctuating rent! In the Rent-To-Own program, the rent to be paid by the tenant-buyer is fixed for the entire duration required, until such time that the tenant has paid the down payment required to purchase the house.



The Rent-To-Own program provides the tenant-buyer with the opportunity to have a stable lifestyle for their family, as it eliminates any form of landlord related issues that could potentially require a tenant to relocate.


Fixed Future Price

The tenant buyer enters the Rent-To-Own program with a future fixed purchase price, in essence the tenant buyer will benefit from annual housing appreciation homes are exposed to.


Pet Friendly.

Since the end goal for the tenant-buyer is to purchase a property, they may as well begin to enjoy the benefits of homeownership from the start of the program by having their pets live with them.



The Rent-To-Own program allows you to choose a home that is in good livable condition and fits your family’s needs rather than picking from the rentals available.